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100 largest losses in the hydrocarbon industry

Marsh is pleased to present the 28th edition of the 100 Largest Losses in the Hydrocarbon Industry report. This edition of our biennial publication summarises the largest property damage losses from the hydrocarbon extraction, transport, and processing industry between 1974 and 2023.

The report includes details of the costliest incidents in the energy industry, and is an opportunity to revisit lessons from the past. It allows us to look back at the industry’s history, identify key issues and trends from large losses, and understand how the industry is making progress on improving operations and risk management practices.

By reflecting and learning from the past, and continually reviewing and challenging our notions of best practice, we can build the resilience that the whole industry wants, and needs, to achieve.

The 100 largest losses interactive map

100 Largest Losses in the Hydrocarbon Industry

1974 – 2023

This report reflects on the last two years and provides insight to energy industry professionals on the range of losses that can occur, the diversity of potential root causes, and the risk management and mitigation practices that can improve operations.

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Jane Smith

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