Marieke van der Werf
ESG Leader, MMC Netherlands
Bedrijven in alle sectoren passen snel traditionele bedrijfsmodellen aan om hun duurzaamheid te verbeteren en hun impact op het klimaat te verminderen. Deze ontwikkelingen vallen samen met de toenemende frequentie en ernst van extreme weersgerelateerde gebeurtenissen die de veerkracht van organisaties op de proef stellen.
Bij deze transitie is het vermogen om te anticiperen op risico’s en deze te meten en managen, een cruciaal voordeel. Bij Marsh helpen we bedrijven ervoor te zorgen dat ze veerkrachtig zijn tijdens de transitie: een analyse van de veranderende risico-omgeving, goede voorbereiding op wat er kan gebeuren en verzekeringen tegen nieuwe soorten risico's.
Wij kunnen uw organisatie voorzien van een ecologische, sociale en governance (ESG)-lens voor risicobeheer, wat helpt om een concurrentievoordeel en commercieel voordeel te behalen. Samen stellen we een proactief plan op om de financiële stabiliteit in uw eigen bedrijf te ondersteunen, terwijl we helpen een wereld te creëren die duurzaam is voor toekomstige generaties.
Each business faces vulnerabilities unique to its day-to-day operations; however, climate change has accelerated several major areas of risk in every industry, including:
Companies will need to create a proactive risk management strategy and program that addresses each of these risks, as most will experience the impact of all three in the coming years.
Increasingly, insurers are assessing the sustainability (ESG rating) of their insureds and their commitments to transition as they look to reduce emissions in their underwriting portfolios. For some companies this may result in restricted access to risk transfer, while for others it could lead to improved terms. A further consequence is product innovation to support insureds to build back better following a loss and in recognition of new exposures.
No matter your industry, you may need to consider the following insurance implications:
Although the assets each organization must consider in its risk management approach to climate change vary significantly, a comprehensive insurance policy portfolio that includes the above coverages can help mitigate losses and address risk vulnerabilities as a whole.
ESG can be a key driver of growth as well as part of business resilience. Therefore, leaders across every industry sector are focused on sustainability initiatives to reduce risk and leverage opportunity. Today, ESG needs to be part of corporate strategy and be embedded in the business and operating model.
We can help you:
For today’s leaders, maintaining day-to-day operations, while making the transition to more sustainable processes, will prove critical to remaining profitable, keeping up with consumer expectations, and staying ahead of regulatory changes.
At Marsh, we can help you create a proactive risk management program to mitigate climate change risks, protect your assets, and invest for the future of your company and the planet.
ESG Leader, MMC Netherlands