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Secteur public

Nous aidons les entités publiques à gérer les risques complexes, à respecter leur budget et à réduire le coût total des risques grâce à des solutions complètes de transfert et de gestion des risques.

Pour les entités publiques, y compris les États, les comtés et les villes, la gestion des risques est l'un des éléments essentiels d'une bonne gouvernance. Cependant, face aux contraintes budgétaires permanentes, les organisations publiques ont souvent besoin de stratégies innovantes visant à réduire le coût total des risques tout en continuant à améliorer les services de première ligne. Alors que la reprise suite à la pandémie se poursuit, de nombreux gouvernements locaux connaissent des déficits budgétaires en raison de la baisse des recettes fiscales, d'un taux de chômage record et de la hausse des coûts de santé. La nécessité de gérer les risques, tout en réduisant les coûts, n'a jamais été aussi cruciale.

Avec plus de quarante ans d'expérience dans le secteur public, Marsh peut vous aider à évaluer la stratégie de financement des risques actuelle de votre entité publique et à réaliser des économies supplémentaires en prenant des décisions basées sur les données. Grâce à notre expertise et à notre plate-forme d'analyse de pointe, nous travaillons avec vous pour créer le profil unique de votre organisation et choisir une approche qui génère de la valeur et limite les risques.

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From cities and states to utilities and transit organizations, public entities are exposed to many types of risks, including:

  • Cyberattacks: Ransomware attacks against public systems have become increasingly common in recent years. These incidents not only have the potential to shut down administrative functions, but can also leave residents without access to vital public services. Public entities should prioritize efforts to protect their digital assets and the private information of citizens.
  • Reputation management: How governments respond to and communicate with constituents on a day-to-day basis and in crisis situations is critical. Heightened visibility across all digital channels requires stringent public relations policies and proactive planning in the event of an incident.
  • Fleet management: Distracted and impaired driving, as well as a shortage of experienced drivers, are just some of the factors increasing the risk of accidents, claims, and related costs. Public entities should establish and maintain fleet management strategies that promote safety, minimize exposures, and reduce costs.

Public entities should consider all areas of risk to plan for and minimize the impact of existing and emerging vulnerabilities. A comprehensive approach to these threats helps you not only manage cost, but also enhances the safety of staff and the public.

As a result of increased litigation, aging infrastructure, and elevated public scrutiny, public entities require a unique approach to insurance to protect their people and property, which covers:

  • Management and professional liability: These policies protect public entities and staff against circumstances not covered under a traditional commercial policy. This can include losses caused by a wrongful act resulting in a loss while conducting duties by or on behalf of the group.
  • Auto liability: Fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, buses, road and street maintenance vehicles, and other emergency vehicles all require coverage in the event of bodily injury or property damage.
  • Cyber risk: The resulting fallout of a cyberattack can include severe consequences for a public entity, such as data leaks, extortion, and fraud. This form of coverage typically includes expenses related to these consequences, as well as those stemming from related network or information security failures.

For public entities, developing a comprehensive approach to risk management means addressing each of these vulnerabilities and any related to their unique constituents or the day-to-day function of their work.

At Marsh, our analytics, risk management, and local teams can help you develop fit-for-purpose risk financing and management strategies to continue to support the public while mitigating risk.

Marsh Morocco S.A. au capital de 1 500 000 DHS - Intermédiaire d'assurance régi par la Loi N°17-99 portant code des assurances. Autorisation du Ministère des Finances N° C1430CD2023138 du 21 février 2023