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Cambio Climático y Sostenibilidad

El avance  de las organizaciones de cualquier industria  conforme al cambio climático y el desarrollo de estrategias de sostenibilidad hace que se enfrenten a nuevos riesgos y oportunidades que deben ser gestionados.

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Conversations and insights from the edge of global business

BRINK, a digital news service from our parent Marsh & McLennan Companies, gathers timely perspectives from experts on risk and resilience around the world to inform business and policy decisions on critical challenges, including those related to climate change and sustainability.

Marsh Mclennan Flood Risk Index

Flooding is the most pervasive among natural disasters, yet its costs are routinely underestimated. As climate change, economic and demographic trends, and a chronic shortfall in investment in resilience combine to drive risk higher, it is time to rethink our approach to flood risk.

ESG Risk Rating

La herramienta de autoevaluación que permite medir el cumplimiento de tu organización en torno a los riesgos ambientales, sociales y de gobierno corporativo.

Clima y sostenibilidad

Conoce las posibiliddes del mundo que tenemos por delante

¿Cómo puede ayudarle Marsh?

En la actualidad, las empresas de todo tipo de sectores están adaptando sus modelos de negocio tradicional, de manera acelerada, con el fin de mejorar su sostenibilidad y reducir el impacto de su actividad en el clima. Esta evolución viene acompañada de la creciente frecuencia y gravedad de los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos que ponen a prueba la resiliencia de las organizaciones.

En esta transición, la capacidad de las empresas de anticipar, medir y gestionar sus riesgos supondrá una ventaja importante. En Marsh, ayudamos a las empresas a garantizar su capacidad de resiliencia durante la transición, analizando la evolución del entorno de riesgos, preparándolas para lo que pueda suceder y asegurando su protección ante los nuevos tipos de riesgos.

En relación con los factores medioambientales, sociales y de gobierno corporativo (ESG, por sus siglas en inglés), proporcionamos a su organización una perspectiva de gestión de riesgos, que ofrece una ventaja competitiva y comercial. Juntos, crearemos un plan proactivo con el fin de apoyar la estabilidad financiera de su empresa, al mismo tiempo que promoveremos la creación de un mundo sostenible para las generaciones futuras."

Preguntas frecuentes

Las empresas, en sus operaciones diarias, están expuestas a ciertas vulnerabilidades. Actualmente, el cambio climático ha acelerado el desarrollo de varios de los principales factores de riesgo en cada sector, entre los que se incluyen:

  • El factor físico: los daños físicos del cambio climático hacia las personas, los bienes y las cadenas de suministro, provocados por los graves incendios forestales, las olas de calor que baten récords y las intensas inundaciones, suponen grandes pérdidas para las empresas de todo el mundo. Estos desastres naturales cambiantes suponen nuevos retos para la gestión de riesgos y la resiliencia, debido a que complican la obtención de coberturas en el mercado de seguros.
  • Transición: El proceso de transición hacia una economía con menos emisiones de carbono conllevará nuevos riesgos que deberán gestionar muchas empresas (teniendo en cuenta los cambios en la política, la tecnología o la opinión de los inversores).
  • Reputación: Las organizaciones tendrán que ser capaces de identificar, priorizar y actuar sobre iniciativas claras de sostenibilidad y clima. No hacerlo supondría un fuerte impacto financiero y de reputación.

En este sentido, las empresas deberán crear una estrategia y un programa de gestión de riesgos que aborden cada uno de estos riesgos, ya que la mayoría experimentará el impacto de estos riesgos en los próximos tres años.

Increasingly, insurers are assessing the sustainability (ESG rating) of their insureds and their commitments to transition as they look to reduce emissions in their underwriting portfolios. For some companies this may result in restricted access to risk transfer, while for others it could lead to improved terms. A further consequence is product innovation to support insureds to build back better following a loss and in recognition of new exposures.

No matter your industry, you may need to consider the following insurance implications:

  • Directors and officers (D&O) liability: Failing to adapt to risk factors associated with climate change could lead to directors and officers being the subject of shareholder actions for breach of duty or loss of share value. Managing this vulnerability will become especially critical for carbon-intensive industries.
  • Property: Amid widespread wildfires, flooding, and other severe weather events, organizations must proactively plan for the loss or damage of physical assets.
  • Business interruption: Business interruption, especially for customers and suppliers, may be increasingly relevant as weather-related risks increase. Planning against business interruptions should extend to closures and losses related to events such as heat, drought, and flooding.

Although the assets each organization must consider in its risk management approach to climate change vary significantly, a comprehensive insurance policy portfolio that includes the above coverages can help mitigate losses and address risk vulnerabilities as a whole.

ESG can be a key driver of growth as well as part of business resilience. Therefore, leaders across every industry sector are focused on sustainability initiatives to reduce risk and leverage opportunity. Today, ESG needs to be part of corporate strategy and be embedded in the business and operating model.

We can help you:

  • Prepare: Organizations will need to have a baseline assessment of their current operations to support planning for net zero and sustainability reporting. A seamless transition will require a comprehensive approach to risk management that addresses the resulting impact on the environment, people, and governance.
  • Insure: Once leaders have an understanding of their risk landscape, it will be necessary to work with an insurance partner who is ready to help manage emerging threats with new and innovative service offerings.
  • Analyze: Data-based decision making should drive all sustainability initiatives. As natural disasters become more severe and difficult to predict, leveraging best-in-class modeling tools and predictive analytics will be essential to understanding and planning for risk.

For today’s leaders, maintaining day-to-day operations, while making the transition to more sustainable processes, will prove critical to remaining profitable, keeping up with consumer expectations, and staying ahead of regulatory changes.

At Marsh, we can help you create a proactive risk management program to mitigate climate change risks, protect your assets, and invest for the future of your company and the planet.

Our team

Amy Barnes

Amy Barnes

Head of Climate and Sustainability Strategy

  • Global

Prior to this Amy held a number of leadership roles with Marsh’s global energy, power, and renewables business. Amy has a respected depth and breadth of experience assisting some of the largest and most complex companies manage risks. This experience enables her to have a deep understanding of a wide range of clients’ risk management approaches. She joined Marsh as an environmental insurance broker and has 20 years of relevant industry experience with Marsh.

Head of Climate and Sustainability Insurance Innovation

Ryan Bond

Head of Climate and Sustainability Insurance Innovation

  • Global

With more than 20 years’ insurance industry experience, Ryan is responsible for leading the global development of insurance solutions that support Marsh’s clients through the climate transition and help them achieve their commitments around sustainability and climate change. Prior to his current role, he was most recently Chief Executive, UK and Ireland, of Bowring Marsh, Marsh’s international placement business. Mr. Bond is a board member of the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) and is also Chair of BIBA’s International & Wholesale Advisory Board.

For more information on how Marsh can help your Environmental, Social and Governance strategies.