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Samantha Hayes

Senior MENA Employee Benefits Consultant | Dubai

  • Job Title: Senior MENA Employee Benefits Consultant 
  • Department: MMB – Regional Consulting Team 
  • Office Location: BAS – Dubai 
  • Joined Marsh: Joined Mercer in March 2014 in London. Transferred to MMB Dubai in October 2017
  • Hometown: London, UK.
  • Education: Degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology -  University of Plymouth. Dip CII in Private Medical Insurance Practice, Cert CII (Health & Protection)  
  • Personal Interests and Hobbies: Theatre, reading, travelling and exploring new restaurants with my friends

Meet Samantha

How has your education or previous work experience translated to working at Marsh?

Prior to working as a MMB Consultant, I worked as a Special Constable for Sussex Police for 2 years.  Working with the Public is some of their most harrowing moments of their life really taught me how to handle pressure. I was dealing with death, aggression, liars, but also very scared people who just needed support and a person to listen to them. What I hope this taught me was that we are all individuals who are going through our own mental health problems, and we just need to be kinder to each other. I try and remember to be kind, even when we are under work pressure and stresses.   

How does Marsh support you in giving back to your communities?

I had the honour back in 2022 to be asked to be a Mentor to a colleague, Polina Mishchenko. When I first started out in my career with Mercer, I worked with some incredible women – Deborah Cowell and Julie Grinter – and they made me the women that I am today. They taught me to always put the client first, what do I want to achieve in this meeting, and to always engage personally with clients. This business is of course a People Business. So when I was asked to mentor, I instantly thought back gratefully to all the people that had helped shaped my careers, so that today, I was able to offer support and guidance to the next generation. I would also like to express how much of a pleasure it is to support the MMC Graduation Programme. I am now working with my 3rd cohort of MMB Grads, and could not be prouder of them and what they have achieved and what they will achieve in their future professional career. ( Soukeine Saleh and Rina Hiraiwa) 

Tell us something important about your family or background that helped form the person and colleague you are today.

I was diagnosed with Dyslexia when I was 8 years old, and it has shaped my entire career. My brain does not work in a linear manner, I have to constantly find alternative solutions, or jump 3 steps ahead of the problem that’s in front of me. What this means in day to day work life, is that I can see a problem or a solution that will occur 2 - 3 months down the line. This does cause problems as well, as I rarely concentrate on one single project at a time, I will have 8 or 9 projects on the go at once, and feel like im not accomplishing anything. I also find it extremely difficult to pronouns certain Indian and Arabic names, so I public apologise to those that I have mispronounced in the past.  

What is the most meaningful advice you’ve received?

“It takes a lifetime to build a reputation, and a moment to lose it.” My father spending his entire career in the UK Police Force, and he would constantly speak about integrity, honestly and being able to look yourself in the mirror. This life lesson has taught me the importance of being honest and trustworthy, not just to clients but to colleagues as well.

Celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month

Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. At Marsh, we believe that inclusion, diversity, and belonging are core to our purpose of protecting and promoting possibility.