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Workforce and People Risks

Organisations today face a wide range of risks and cost associated with employees and their activities, including employee safety and other work-related issues.

Organisations face a wide range of risks and costs associated with their employees. The risks include employee safety, liability to members of the public or third parties, occupational diseases, ergonomics, stress, and other work related safety issues. Marsh Risk Consulting’s Workforce Strategies Practice can provide customised solutions for short and long-term risk management, insurance cost containment, and operational safety needs.

Are your employment practices putting your stakeholders or profitability at risk?

  • Profits and people are at risk if you do not have an effective incident prevention and intervention programme – a credible and robust approach to incident cause identification and the associated action plans to prevent recurrence can reduce costs associated with injury claims. It also promotes the development of positive defence and mitigation strategies including early return-to-work procedures.
  • Profits and people are at risk if you do not promote individual and group accountability for safety and liability risks – aligning individual and group accountability can increase participation and diligence, making programmes more effective, and reducing cost exposure through enhanced compliance and safe behaviours.
  • Profits and people are at risk if you have not linked your employee actions, work practices, or linked behaviour/known future liability risks with targeted solutions – identifying high costs associated with activities or the causes of ongoing attritional costs ensures specific client focused actions can be developed to reduce cost exposure.

Marsh Risk Consulting’s Workforce Strategies Practice collaborates with clients to develop strategies that can assist in meeting organisational workforce goals and objectives, while reducing and mitigating the cost of risk exposure. We can also assist clients in developing tailored solutions and implementing them through practical workshops and training.