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Management of organisational change

Minimum staffing

Organisational change – ranging from mergers and acquisitions to shifts in reporting lines to movement of staff and more – is a normal part of business life. For organisations where major hazard risks are present, highly reliable systems must be in place to manage these types of changes in order to ensure the safety of people and property, and protect against potentially devastating incidents and high-value losses.

In the energy and power industry, some organisational changes – for example, changes to minimum staffing levels – are not always analysed and controlled as thoroughly as engineering and plant operating changes.

Compared to engineering changes, the impacts of organisational change are typically less understood, and the risk assessment processes less robust. In general, organisational changes are made by management in a “top-down” manner, with risk assessments typically carried out after a change is decided and/or in place.

This report aims to help onsite operational teams identify various types of organisational change, and provides practical guidance on how to manage them. It focuses on effectively identifying and managing minimum staffing levels – a key criteria during underwriting assessments by insurers.


This report has been produced by Marsh Specialty in the UK. Marsh Specialty is a trading name of Marsh Ltd.


Management of organisational change: minimum staffing

A position paper with processes, checklists, and practical guidance to help energy and power site leaders identify and maintain minimum staffing levels through various organisational changes.

Risk engineering position papers

Marsh risk engineers have published a suite of position papers that define best practices, and provide practical guidance for operational site leaders and teams in the energy power industry. Reports feature processes, checklists, case study examples, and technical information that will help to improve the operating procedures on site, and an organisation’s overall risk profile. 

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