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Terrorism Risk

Terrorism is an ever-present threat in today’s world, and it can be difficult to predict and quantify. Our risk transfer and advisory specialists help protect your interests and people at home and abroad.

Acts of political violence and terrorism have become a reoccurring news fixture during recent years, and in a global business environment, many companies seek ways to protect their staff and corporate interests from such threats around the world.

In an increasingly uncertain world, we can help you determine your organisation’s specific terrorism risk profile, using industry metrics to quantity your exposure and determine your potential losses.

Our specialised terrorism insurance brokers located throughout the world are experienced in the placement of many types of coverage, including: domestic and global terrorism and sabotage coverage; nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological (NBCR) coverage; and general terrorism liability coverage.

Working together, we can help make your business, wherever it operates, more resilient to the ever-changing nature of terrorism risk. 


In the insurance context, an act of terrorism is often defined as: an act, including the use of force or violence, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s), committed for political, religious, or ideological purposes, including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public in fear for such purposes.

It is important to note that this definition can vary by region and that an incident may need to be ratified as an act of terrorism by a government official before any insurance payments and recovery can occur.

Common acts of terrorism include suicide or car bombings, mass shootings, multi-victim stabbings, and other acts intended to create an environment of fear.

Terrorism risk insurance typically provides protection against property that is damaged or destroyed – including buildings and contents such as inventory and equipment – and the resulting business interruption. Coverage can also be extended to include terrorism-related liability claims against organisations arising from loss of life and injury.

Managing terrorism risk involves the assessment and vigilant monitoring of a number of parameters.

Probabilistic modeling can help insurance brokers and companies seeking terrorism insurance coverage to have a better understanding of the risk and exposure. It helps inform a comprehensive assessment based on the likelihood of possible attacks, with additional consideration given to the level of severity.

Such modeling can help you understand your exposures and develop programs based around your unique footprint. This can include:

  • Understanding the risk accumulations/aggregation of your portfolio
  • Understanding the proximity of your insured assets to identified high profile targets
  • The type of coverage required for the region in question
  • Limits of indemnity

Probabilistic modeling with risk avoidance or preventative measures can, in turn, reduce your overall risk of loss or damage that could result in an insurance claim.