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Summary of Commission Arrangements

We are paid in a variety of ways. We offer full transparency in our commission arrangements.


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
AIG Europe SA A&H 25%
  Apartment Block Product 20%
  Apartment Blocks 20%
  Business Guard (D&O/EPL/Entity/Crime) 20%
  Com Comb Rapidcover 20%
  Combined Liability  12.50%
  Commercial Property
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 15%)
  Cyber  20%
  Employers Liability
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 6%)
  Environmental 15%
  Excess Liability 22.50%
  Excess Liability
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 15%)
  Globecover 35%
  Management Liability Commercial (D&O/EPL/Crime) 17.50%
  Marine 20%
  Marine 20%
  Marsh Delta 30%
  Motor 5.00%
  Non-Globecover 20%
  Non-Profit Non- Declaration Business
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 20%)
  Office Rapidcover 22.50%
  PL Rapidcover 17.5%
  Product Recall 15%
  Professional Indemnity 17.50%
  Professional Indemnity 22.50%
  Prop Own Rapidcover 20%
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 8.5%)
  Shops Rapidcover 15%
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 15%)
  XS Rcover 22.50%
Allianz plc See full list  
Allied World Assurance Co (Europe) Ltd    
  This Product Producer does not have Standard Commission rates. Any commission agreed will be disclosed to you on a case by case basis.  
American International Group UK Limited Excess Public Liability 15.00%
  Personal Accident 25.00%
Angel Risk Management Directors & Officers Liability 30%
  Professional Indemnity 25.00%
  Terrorism 27.50%
  Contingency 25%
  Cyber 25%
  Sports and Leisure 25%
ARAG Commercial / EPL Stand alone Standard Comission 15%
  Motor Legal Protection 101.78%
  Family Legal Protection 101.78%
Arch Insurance (EU) DAC up to 25% on Non-Delta business   
  up to 30% (including SMB) for Delta business.  
Arachas Corporate Brokers Ltd Caravan/Mobile Home 10.00%
  Combined Liability with various syndicates at Lloyds 10.00%
  Contractors All Risks 12.50%
  Household 10.00%
Assicurazioni Generali SpA    
  This Product Producer does not have Standard Commission rates. Any commission agreed will be disclosed to you on a case by case basis.  
Aston Lark Public Liability 7.50%
  Contractors Liability 10%
  Leisure 10%
Atradius Credit Insurance CV Credit 15.00%
Aviva Ireland Insurance DAC See full list  
AXA Insurance DAC Agricultural Vehicle  7.5%
  Agriculture - Employers Liability  10%
  Agriculture - Public Liability 20%
  All other classes  22.50%
  Bus  7.5%
  Business combined -Employers Liability  10%
  Enterprise - Public/ Products 20%
  Enterprise Policy - Employers Liability rate 10%
  Enterprise Policy - Public Liability rate 20%
  Enterprise Policy - All other classes 22.5%
  Fleet (Non Willis Asgard)  10%
  Goods carrying vehicle/Haulage vehicle  10%
  Motor insurance  10%
  Portfolio-  All other classes  22.50%
  Portfolio - Employers Liability rate 10%
  Portfolio - Public Liability rate 20%
  Property owners insurance  22.50%
  Public/ Products 20%
  Services Protect Insurance 20%
  Shop, office and surgery              22.50%
  Special Insurance 7.5%
  SPSV (Taxi )  7.5%
  Tradesmen and professionals    20%
Azur Underwriting Ltd Household 27.50%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
Beazley IDL Med Mal 15%

Event insurance

  Other products 20%
Berkshire Hathaway European Insurance DAC Property Up to 15%
  Casualty Up to 15%
  E&P (Financial Lines) Up to 20%
Blackrock Insurance Solutions Liability 10%
  Property 10%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
CFC Underwriting Limited Cyber Healthcare  27.50%
  Cyber Private Enterprise  27.50%
Charterama Charterers Liability 15%
Chaucer Insurance Company DAC Combined Traders 3.50%
Christopher Trigg Limited Aircraft Hull 10%
Chubb European Group SE Combined Liability  10%
  Commercial Package  15%
  Contractors All Risk  15%
  Crime  15%
  Cyber  15%
  D&O  15%
  Entertainment  15%
  Environmental Impairment Liability  15%
  Excess Liability  15%
  Marine  15%
  Marsh Excess of Loss Facility 
(where you elect to pay us by fee only we will be paid 2.50% gross standard commission and 3.50% Brokerage)
  Marsh Personal Accident/Travel Facility
(where you elect to pay us by fee only we will be paid 6.50% gross standard commission and 3.50% Brokerage)
  Masterpiece Household  15%
  Monoline Employers Liability  10%
  Monoline Public Liability  10%
  Personal Accident/Travel  20%
  Professional Indemnity  15%
  Property Damage/Business Interruption  15%
  Surety  10%
CNA Insurance Company (Europe) S.A. Marine Cargo 25%
  Transport & Logistics 25%
  T&L Package 20% (EL 15%)
  Property D&F 17.50%
  Property Package 20% (EL 15%)
  Casualty D&F 17.50%
  XoL-UK only 25%
  Caualty Package 20% (EL 15%)
  Commercial Institutions 17.50%
  Financial Institutions 17.50%
  Professional Liability 17.50%
  Cyber 20.00%
  Healthcare 20%
  Life Science 20%
  Tech 20-25% (EL 7.5%)
  Packages 20% (EL 15%)
Coface S.A. Credit  
  New Business Year one  20%
  Renewals  15%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
Ecclesiastical Insurance PLC Charity, Faith and Community Insurance (CHA) 15%
  Commercial Combined (ICS) and Commercial Package (IIP) 15%
  Education (ISS) 15%
  Engineering, Cyber (CEN) 0
  Heritage (IHG)  15%
  Legal Expenses 5%
  Property Owners (IPO) 15%
Everest Insurance  This Product Producer does not have Standard Commission rates. Any commission agreed will be disclosed to you on a case by case basis  
  Marsh Excess of Loss Facility  
(where you elect to pay us by fee only we will be paid 2.50% gross standard commission and 3.50% Brokerage)
Euler Hermes Europe SA NV Credit 18%   New Business 
    15%   Renewal 
  Surety  20%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
FBDInsurance Plc All Others 15%
  Breadman, Haulage and Milkman Property and Liability insurance 15%
  Business Insurance Services Property and Commercial Combined  22.50%
  Caravan Scheme 16.50%
  Commercial Combined 20%
  Commercial Motor
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 6.5%)
  Computer 15%
  Employers Liability Only
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 7.5%)
(Note also commission split rates apply on some policies - 15% P, 6% EL, 10% PL)
  Home 15%
  Marine 15%
  Motor Fleet & Motor Traders Road Risk 11.50%
  Other Motor (Tractors & Special Types) 5%
  Private Motor 10%
(Note also commission split rates apply on some policies -15% P, 6% EL, 10% PL.)
  Public & Employers Liability 11.50%
  Public Liability Only 11.50%
First Ireland Risk Management Ltd Combined Liability 10%
  Combined Property 10%
Footprint Underwriting DAC Private Motor 7.50%
Frank Glennon Ltd t/a AIC Glennon Commercial Combined 10%
  Legal Expenses 10%
  Professional Indemnity 10%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
GEO Underwriting Europe B.V  t/a Knighthood Europe  Marine Craft  up to 15%
  Combined Liability  up to 10%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
HDI Global SE Employers Liability 10%
  Products Liability 10%
  Excess Employers / Products Liability  20%
  Property  15%
Hiscox SA Charity Combined 26.5%
  Combined Liability 25%
  Commercial Combined 25%
  Cyber Liability 25%
  Directors & Officers Liability 25%
  Electricians Scheme 26.5%
  Events 12.5%
  Excess Professional Indemnity 25%
  Household 25%
  IP Property Scheme 26.5%
  IU - Property Scheme 26.5%
  Loss of Licence 15%
  Management Liability 26.5%
  Managment Liability Charity 26.5%
  Medical Malpractice 25%
  Office 25%
  PI - Charity 26.5%
  Professional Indemnity 25%
  Property Owners Liability 25%
  Public Liability 25%
  Restaurant Scheme 25%
  RIPs Property Scheme 26.5%
Howden Specialty Luxembourg S.a r.l. This Product Producer does not have Standard Commission rates.  Any commission agreed will be disclosed to you on a case by case basis.  
HSB Engineering Insurance Limited Construction which Includes CAR (annual and project) 20%
  Energy Efficiency 20%
  Equipment Breakdown 20%
  Plant 20%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
IPB Insurance CLG t/a IPB Insurance This Product Producer does not have Standard Commission rates.  Any commission agreed will be disclosed to you on a case by case basis  


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
Joseph G Brady Insurance Ltd Eventinsure Scheme 10%
  Event Cancellation 15%
  Personal Accident 15%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
KennCO Underwriting Ltd Garage Combined Policies  15%
  Professional Indemnity 15%
  Private Motor 5%
  Household 15%
KennCo Underwriting Ltd (AXA) Commercial Motor 5%
  Motor Traders - Road 5%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
Liberty Seguros Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. Household 21%
  Legacy Fleet 10%
  Motor / Commecial Vehicle  11%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
M.J. O'Neill Insurances LTD Marine Trade 10%
  Motor Cruisers  10%
  Yacht & Sailing boats 10%
Munich Re Risk Solutions Ireland Ltd (MRRSI) Facultative - Domestic Transit 35.00%
  Facultative - Marine Cargo 35.00%
  Facultative - Marine Goods in Transit 35.00%
  Domestic Transit 35.00%
  Marine Cargo 35.00%
  Marine Goods in Transit 35.00%
  Marsh Marine Cargo Facility
(where you elect to pay us by fee only we will be paid 6.50% gross standard commission and 3.50% Brokerage)
  Stock Throughput 35.00%
  Worldwide Machinery Installation 20.00%
  Computer 20.00%
  Contractors All Risks Annual 20.00%
  Contractors All Risks Specific 20.00%
  Contractors Plant 20.00%
  Erection All Risks Annual 20.00%
  Erection All Risks Specific 20.00%
  Machinery Movement 20.00%
  Deterioration of Stock 20.00%
  Forwarding 35.00%
  Forwarding & Haulage 35.00%
  Forwarding, Haulage & Warehousing 35.00%
  Haulage & Warehousing 35.00%
  Hauliers Liability 35.00%
  Terrorism 17.50%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
NBS Commercial Ltd T/A NBS Ireland Construction 12.5%
  Leisure 15%
  PI 15%
  Property Owners 15%
Newline Europe Versicherung AG Professional Indemnity 20%
Nordic Forsakring&Riskhantering Commercial Combined                   10%
  Motor 7.50%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
Optis Insurances Ltd This Product Producer does not have Standard Commission rates.  Any commission agreed will be disclosed to you on a case by case basis  
Ornella Underwriting Ltd AXA Haulage 5%
  Bloodstock 10%
  Carriers Liability 10%
  Commercial Combined 10%
  Commercial Vehicle 5%
  Courier - Axa 5%
  Equestrian Liability 5%
  Equicover 10%
  Fleet 7.50%
  Horsebox - Axa 5%
  Liberty Fleet 10%
  Logistics Combined 10%
  Non Standard Car 5%
  Non Standard Van 5%
  Patrona Connect 5%
  Private Car 5%
  Special Types 5%
  Special Types - Axa 5%
  Standard Haulage


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
Plum Underwriting Amethyst - Household
  HomeWorks/PropertyWorks  15%
  Flex, Let, Retreat & Unoccupied  20%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
Resolution Underwriting Holdings (Ireland)  Limited Commercial Legal Expenses 12.5%
  Contingency 12.5%
  D&O 12.5%
  Employers Liability 12.5%
  Professional Indemnity 12.5%
  Property 12.5%
  Property Owners Liability 12.5%
  Public Liability 12.5%
RSA Insurance Ireland DAC Contractors all risks  15.00%
  Carriers Liability 20.00%
  Cargo 21.30%
  Crime 20.00%
  Employers Liability  10.00%
  Engineering  30.00%
  GLS 20.00%
  Apartments / Block of Flats 17.50%
  Household  20.00%
  Marine  17.50%
  Office 25.00%
  OLIB 11.00%
  Personal Acident / Travel 22.50%
  Combined 25.00%
  Professional Indemnity 20.00%
  Public Liability 12.50%
  Property 15.00%
  Shop 23.00%
  Traders  22.50%
  Commercial Vehicle 5.00%
  Motor Fleet 7.50%
  Private Car - Non Full Cycle 7.50%
  Marsh CCP Commercial Combined 23.50%
  Marsh Computer Facility
(where you elect to pay us by fee only we will be paid 1.50% gross standard commission and 3.50% Brokerage)
  Marsh CCP Motor Fleet car / van 10.00%
  Marsh CCP Motor Fleet haulage 7.50%
  Private Motor 10.00%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
 Spring Insure Europe Ltd Civil Liability 20%
  Crime 20%
  Cyber 20%
  Director & Officers 20%
  Professional Indemnity 20%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
The Underwriting Exchange (Ireland) Ltd Liability 10%
  Motor Fleet 7.50%
  Motor Trade & Liability 10%
  Personal Accident 10%
  Property 10%
  Property Owners 10%
Tokio Marine HCC - International Group Directors & Officers Liability 20%
  Film/ Music/Events 17.50%
  Professional Indemnity 20%
Travelers Insurance DAC Automotive
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 12.5%  /7.5%)
  Commercial Combined
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 7.5%)
  Custom Markets
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 7.5%)
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 7.5%)
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 7.5%)
  Med Tech
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 7.5%)
  Private Motor
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 5%)
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 19% / 17.5%)
  Road Risk Motor Trade
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 7.5%)
(Some policies may have a lower rate of 17.5% / 7.5%)
Tysers Underwriting Carriers Liability 20%
  Marine Cargo 25%
  Trailers 15%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
Uniqa Osterreich Verscgerungen Fine Art Insurance 25.00%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
Vertigo Inspection (ROI) Ltd Engineering (Inspection) 15.00%
Volante Germany GMBH Professional Indemnity 20.00%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
WR Berkley Insurance Europe Ltd.                                 Public Liability 15.00%
  Employers Liability  12.50%
White Horse Administration Services Ltd Alll products  10.00%
Willis Risk Services (Ireland) Limited  *Motor  5.00%
  *Liability  14.00%
  *Property/BI/Money 15.00%
  Bus & Coach  8.00%
  Bus & Coach Fleet  8.00%
  Commercial Fleet  8.00%
  SIMI Motor Trade
Wrightway Underwriting Limited ADF&T 10.00%
  Breakdown Assistance  5.00%
  Carriers Liability 10.00%
  Engineering Inspection 15.00%
  Haulage Fleet 10.00%
  Haulage Fleet 5.00%
  Haulage Liability 8.00%
  Haulage Property 8.00%
  Haulage Single Vehicle 5.00%
  Haulage Single Vehicle 5.00%
  House 17.50%
  Multi Vehicle 5.00%
  Private Car 5.00%
  Private Car / Light Commercial Vehicle 5.00%
  Special Types 7.00%
  Traders Transit 5.00%
  Trades Liability 12.00%
  Trailer ADF&T 10.00%


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
XL Catlin Services SE This Product Producer does not have Standard Commission rates.  Any commission agreed will be disclosed to you on a case by case basis.  


Company Name Policy Type Standard Commission
Zurich Engineering Inspection Services Ireland Limited Engineering (Inspection) 15.00%
Zurich Insurance PLC See full list  
Zurich Insurance PLC (if you were a customer of Ireland) See full list (Ireland)  

Please note the list of commissions is effective from 1st September 2022