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Mercer Marsh Benefits

Health on Demand 2023

Benefits for all. The secret to thriving employees and thriving businesses.

Benefits for all.  Benefits for a fast-changing world. Benefits for healthier societies.

Employees’ lives are changing so fast that many struggle to keep up. Employers are having to reassess how to meet the needs of their employees; re-evaluating the value of the benefits they provide, the technology to use, and how to address key risks.

To better understand the shifting priorities of different groups within the workforce, we sought opinions from over 17,000 individual employees, across different sectors and levels. Our analysis offers a unique insight into the value employees place on employer-provided benefits and demonstrates the power of a care-first approach.

Explore the industry trends

Dive into highlights of some of the top trends across 6 different industries. Consider the most helpful benefits for different industry groups of employees and how this may impact the benefits you provide. How do different employee groups view their employer and the support they perceive that they receive? How does this compare with other industries and against Global?

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night

Apps and devices to self-manage wellbeing


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Apps and devices to self-manage wellbeing

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

Free or subsidized food, transportation or housing

Help with adopting a more environmentally friendly lifestyle


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night

Apps and devices to self-manage wellbeing


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need 

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night

Genetic test that reveals health risks and suggests lifestyle changes and screenings


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need 

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night

Apps and devices to help self-manage health conditions


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need 

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night

Apps and devices to self-manage wellbeing


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need 

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Benefits for all

Employers have the power to close healthcare gaps so that all employees thrive.

Explore the Report

Get the report now

Get an in-depth look at the benefits that will help your employees and business thrive by downloading the full report.


A bite-sized overview of the key findings from this year’s research.

Related insights

In New Zealand, Mercer Marsh Benefits is a trading name of Marsh Pty Ltd (NZBN 9429040892412). 

This publication is not intended to be taken as advice regarding any individual situation and should not be relied upon as such. The information contained herein is based on sources we believe reliable, but we make no representation or warranty as to its accuracy. Marsh shall have no obligation to update this publication and shall have no liability to you or any other party arising out of this publication or any matter contained herein. Marsh does not arrange workers compensation insurance in those States where there is a government scheme and provides only consultancy services in those States. This publication is created and published for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. LCPA 23/176