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Vanessa Anniss

Head of Power and Energy, Marsh | Auckland, New Zealand

  • Job Title: Head of Power and Energy, Marsh
  • Office Location: Auckland, New Zealand
  • Personal Interests and Hobbies: I have two young children so these days my hobbies are Lego, reading books and drawing.

What is your role at Marsh McLennan?

Head of Power and Energy for Marsh New Zealand.

Who is your inspiration?

My friend, Rebecca. I don’t know how she does it all! She has an amazing job which she absolutely smashes, she motivates others around her, she is an amazing mum raising four strong, fierce, and independent girls all while managing to have a lot of fun along the way!

Amy Barnes, Marsh Head of Climate and Sustainability, is phenomenally knowledgeable on climate and sustainability and working to drive innovative solutions in this space.

Hamish Roberts, my old boss and mentor, always brought fun to the world of insurance and challenged me to push outside my comfort zone.

What's the best piece of advice someone has ever given you?

No one ever says I wish I had spent more time in the office on their death bed!

What is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about their careers?

Just go for it. It might seem tough to start with, but it probably won’t be as hard as you think and it will be so rewarding. 

How do you bring your "whole self to work?"

I try to contribute positively to the work environment, I try to recognize and appreciate the different perspectives and experiences of colleagues and how they can contribute, and I try to be open and welcoming so others feel that they can be their true selves and also bring their whole selves to work.

What excites you about working at Marsh McLennan?

Working at Marsh provides opportunities to work on a wide range of clients and to collaborate with colleagues from around the world while providing innovative solutions for our clients’ risk and insurance needs. No two days are the same and there’s always a new challenge to explore and try to solve.

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