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제조업과 자동차 산업이 발전하고 기술이 진보함에 따라 수많은 기존 리스크와 새로 발생한 리스크들로 다양한 문제가 발생했습니다.

기술 변화와 소비자 요구의 변화, 환경 우려의 심화로 인한 새로운 리스크에 직면한 전 세계의 자동차 산업은 새로운 기회를 모색하고 있습니다.  

자동차 기업들은 고객과 경쟁, 규제 기관이 가하는 압박 속에서 민첩하게 움직일 필요가 있습니다. 공급망 중단과 제품 리콜과 같이 오랜 위협부터 전기차와 자율 주행 차량과 같이 멋진 첨단 기술에 이르는 모든 영역에서 전문가의 리스크 관리가 필요합니다.

Marsh의 자동차 부문은 자동차 산업에 대해 잘 알고 글로벌 시장과 현지 시장에서 자동차 기업에게 중요한 여러 가지 문제를 이해하는 숙련된 리스크 관리 자문가로 구성되어 있습니다. 당사의 목표는 이러한 파괴적 혁신의 시기를 성공적으로 헤쳐 나갈 수 있도록 도와드리는 것입니다.

관련 인사이트

Globally, the automotive industry faces a wide variety of both familiar and emerging risks. These include:

  • Supply chain disruption
  • Environmental regulation
  • Product recalls
  • Electric-powered vehicles
  • Driverless vehicles
  • Cyberattacks and data breaches

Your specific risk priorities depend on where you are in the automotive supply chain. The challenges facing automotive manufacturers are different from those typically encountered by vehicle dealerships and parts suppliers.

The common theme though is the transformative effect of technology. From how vehicles are made to how they are sold and insured, technology is bringing huge and rapid change. With that change comes new threats — and opportunities — for automotive businesses.

Cyberattacks are a growing problem for automotive businesses. From an automotive dealership that now handles more customer data than ever to an automotive manufacturer that will grind to a halt if its IT systems are compromised, the industry is an increasingly attractive target for malicious hackers.

Meanwhile, the complex, integrated technology that is built into modern consumer and commercial vehicles has opened up new areas of risk. Cybercriminals now have more potential routes through which to attack both automotive firms and their customers.

Marsh's cyber risk solutions could be immensely valuable to your organization to help you strengthen resiliency and mitigate the risks of such attacks.

Product recalls are not a new risk area for the automotive industry. But they do remain a significant source of potential reputational and financial harm.

Major product recalls attract a lot of media coverage and can undermine consumer confidence. The recall itself and potential legal ramifications can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Technology is again the driving force behind the changing nature of product recalls, bringing both new risks and new opportunities for automotive businesses.

On the one hand, modern vehicles' complex onboard systems have increased the list of potential problems that might require a recall. On the other hand, rolling out a software update to eradicate an IT vulnerability is a lot cheaper than replacing a physical component in your most popular model.

The automotive industry comprises businesses of all sizes and across a wide variety of functions. As such, insurance and risk management solutions need to be properly tailored.

Common global insurance and risk management services vital to the automotive sector include:

  • Analytics, loss control, claims consulting, advisory, and placement for insurance related to employees.
  • Product recall and liability insurance.
  • Financial and professional analytics, advisory services, placement, and claims advocacy.
  • Reputational risk and business resiliency relating to the global supply chain.
  • Cyber risk consulting, including network security and privacy risk.

At Marsh, our automotive practice combines industry knowledge, global experience, and local expertise to deliver the right insurance and risk management solutions for your business.

Our people

Sean Park

Sean Park

Senior Vice President, Automotive Leader

  • South Korea