Artur Grzeskowiak
Prezes Zarządu
Prezes Zarządu
Vice President
Director of the Strategic Clients Division
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Executive Officer, Europe, Marsh McLennan
Head of Consumer and Commercial Europe
People Leader, Europe, Marsh McLennan
Marketing and Communications Leader, Europe, Marsh McLennan
Geschäftsführer und Chief Commercial Officer
Chief Commercial Officer, Europe, Marsh McLennan
Specialty Leader, Europe, Marsh
Finance Director, Europe, Marsh McLennan
Advisory Leader, Europe, Marsh
General Counsel, Europe, Marsh McLennan
Head, Operations & Technology
Mercer Marsh Benefits Leader, Europe
President and CEO
President, Marsh Specialty and Global Placement
Chairman and CEO of Marsh & McLennan Agency
Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Marsh
Chief Executive Officer, Marsh McLennan International
Chief Operating Officer
Marsh General Counsel
Chief Financial Officer