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Konferencja Offshore Wind

Data: 11 czerwca 2024

Godzina: 11:30 – 17:00

Tuna by Martin Gimenez Castro (ul. Elektryczna 2, 00-346 Warszawa)

To wyjątkowe wydarzenie skupi się na ryzyku i ubezpieczeniach na szybko rozwijającym się rynku energetyki wiatrowej.


  • 11:30 – 12:15 Rejestracja / light lunch / networking
  • 12:20 – 12:30 Powitanie | Michał Talarski – Energy & Power, Construction Leader of Sub-region North in CEE, Marsh Poland
  • 12:30 – 12:50 Responding to growth in the offshore wind sector | Dan Gumsley – Offshore Wind Strategic Leader, Marsh UK
  • 12:50 – 13:10 Key themes along the placement timeline | Jan Willem Hoogenboezem – Renewable Energy Leader Europe, Marsh Netherlands
  • 13:10 – 13:40 Risk engineering and the EML Study | Mark Shipley – Senior Risk Engineer, Marsh UK
  • 13:40 – 14:10 Przerwa kawowa
  • 14:10 – 14:45 Loss statistics and common issues | Andrew Norris – Director, Renewables Adjusting, MatthewsDaniel
  • 14:45 – 15:35 Contractual Risks/Interfaces in Offshore wind | Stefan Hoffman – Partner, Watson, Farley & Williams
  • 15:35 – 16:10 Structuring the financing of Offshore Wind Projects | Thomas Hollenhorst – Partner, Watson, Farley & Williams
  • 16:10 – 16:40 Przerwa kawowa
  • 16:40 – 17:10 Market’s voice | Jakob Egelund Rasmussen – Chief Underwriting Officer, Head of Offshore Wind, Codan
  • 17:10 – 17:30 Market, Pricing and Options | Jan Willem Hoogenboezem – Renewable Energy Leader Europe, Marsh Netherlands | Stuart Broad – Senior Vice President, Power & Renewable Energy, Marsh UK
  • 17:30 – 17:40 Podsumowanie
  • 17:40 Drinks & Dinner